ANTIMAE FILM is a film production company based in Münster. Steffi Köhler and Marc Pierschel have set themselves the goal of producing authentic films that inspire, move, and empower. Their fictional and non-fictional stories engage with discourses on social changes, marginalization, and the visibility of individuals. This also involves critically questioning the filmmaking process.
In 2023, Köhler and Pierschel received a scholarship from the Mediengründerzentrum NRW.
Steffi Koehler is a producer from Germany. After her Studies Media Technology at Leipzig, she untertook an internship at Story House Productions GMBH in Berlin where she later served as a post-production supervisor. Since 2020, she has been the Deputy Managing Director of the Filmwerkstatt Münster e.V.. In 2024 she participated in the International Film Festival Rotterdam Lab. She is a member of WIFT Germany, the Filmbüro NW and ProQuote Film.
Marc Pierschel is a writer and director. In 2012, Marc founded his production company, Blackrabbit Images, through which he produced various documentaries with a focus on the human-animal relationship: Live and Let Live (2013), 184 (2015), The End of Meat (2016), Butenland (2019).
With ANTIMAE FILM, we want to not only produce films that address important discourses but also critically question these discourses during the filmmaking process. This is why we strive for a fair, safe and creative working environment for all involved and have formulated guidelines that define ANTIMAE FILM’s approach to filmmaking.
We commit to adhering to the ecological minimum standards of the Green Motion set by the Green Shooting Working Group, provided that our budget allows. Furthermore, and regardless of budget, we offer only vegan catering during our productions. Only animal-free and vegan products (make-up, clothing, etc.) should be used.
We shoot only with rescued animals from/on farm sanctuaries, as long as the animal(s) is/are subject to no or only minimal stress. All scenes should be carefully rehearsed beforehand. A person familiar with the animal(s) will supervise the filming and the well-being of the animal(s).
The trades in the film will be staffed with at least 50% FLINTA* people. We strive for a diverse staff and cast, to the extent that this is compatible with the script.
Safe Space
We aim to ensure a fair and relaxed working environment and will not tolerate any forms of discrimination or abuse of power on set. A contact person is available for all persons involved.
We strive for fair payment for all trades and, depending on the financing situation, we aim to pay the trades in the film according to the German United Services Union tariffs.
FINTA* explicitly includes marginalized groups, i.e. women/females*, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people.
ANTIMAE FILM is a film production company based in Münster. Steffi Köhler and Marc Pierschel have set themselves the goal of producing authentic films that inspire, move, and empower. Their fictional and non-fictional stories engage with discourses on social changes, marginalization, and the visibility of individuals. This also involves critically questioning the filmmaking process.
In 2023, Köhler and Pierschel received a scholarship from the Mediengründerzentrum NRW.